Sunday, November 13, 2016


The season is being itself, I'm happy to report. And the cooking, too, is timely. Here's a delicious meatloaf. Should be excellent leftovers. I followed the Ann Romney recipe in The NY Times with just a couple of additions (parmesan and spinach).

I hadn't made almond butter in a while, so today I did that. Yummy.

That's homemade English muffin toasting bread. Happily, there's lots of almond butter for lunch this week too...

Friday, November 11, 2016

So much

Summer into autumn. No way I can narrate it all; the pics will have to do.
... and thus August ended.

And now it's football season...

And the season of meetings... and baking for meetings...

Sometimes, though, autumn also means a special trip.... like the one my sister and I took to Mackinac Island.... here's the view from The Iroquois Hotel... and the very lovely breakfast....

Back home, it was pleasure to make dinner for my friend Rosemary... love this gnocchi with pomodoro sauce...

And what's dinner without dessert?

And now autumn is for real... as these pics show...

Autumn... I like it fine. You too?